Anemone's Ilona ja Isabella |
Tuomari: Rita Ribeiro, Saksa
Järjestäjä: Pohjois-Pohjanmaan Jyrsijä- ja Kaniyhdistys ry
Confettis Chubby:
- Small in type + size
- Typical ears + eys
- Coat texture good, silky, good lenght
- Colour quite good, undercolour little pale
- Marking very good
- Good condition + presentation
- 1/2 SERT ~ FIN MVA
Anemone's Hector:
- Small size and type, good head
- Typical ears
- Lovely eyes
- Good, silky coat texture
- Good topcolor, under colour is little light
- Good markings
- Good condition and presentation
- 2/2
Anemone's Ilona:
- Could be little bigger, but balanced. Lovely shoulders, very nice head.
- Very nice ears and eyes
- Very nice, silky coat. Very nice texture?. Very good lenght.
- Very nice creset. Good position and center. Very nice colour.
- Very nice body, feet and head markings. Adoroble belly.
- Very good condition.
- 1/2, SERT, ROP1
Anemone's Isabella:
- Very good type + shape, very nice head
- Very nice eyes + ears
- Coat texture very good, very silky
- Crest very nice, good centre + shape
- Good crest colour
- Nice roaning, little ______ around neck and shoulders and bum
- Excellent condition
- 2/2 SERT ~ FIN MVA
- Ilona ja Isabella
- ROP2 kasvattaja
Perhekuvassa isä Confettis Chubby ja ketsuppipojat Anemone's Felix ja Heinz, om. Juho Nikula. :D Iloinen jälleennäkeminen näyttelyssä, itse asiassa kaikelta siltä kosiskelulta oli vaikea saada järkevää kuvaa. Felix oli toki alaikäinen osallistumaan näyttelyyn, isoveljensä henkisenä tukena mukana. ;)
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